Source code for ncolony.directory_monitor

# Copyright (c) Moshe Zadka
# See LICENSE for details.

Monitor directories for configuration and messages

import functools
import os

from twisted.python import filepath

[docs]def checker(location, receiver): """Construct a function that checks a directory for process configuration The function checks for additions or removals of JSON process configuration files and calls the appropriate receiver methods. :param location: string, the directory to monitor :param receiver: IEventReceiver :returns: a function with no parameters """ path = filepath.FilePath(location) files = set() filesContents = {} def _check(path): currentFiles = set(fname for fname in os.listdir(location) if not fname.endswith('.new')) removed = files - currentFiles added = currentFiles - files for fname in added: contents = path.child(fname).getContent() filesContents[fname] = contents receiver.add(fname, contents) for fname in removed: receiver.remove(fname) same = currentFiles & files for fname in same: newContents = path.child(fname).getContent() oldContents = filesContents[fname] if newContents == oldContents: continue receiver.remove(fname) filesContents[fname] = newContents receiver.add(fname, newContents) files.clear() files.update(currentFiles) return functools.partial(_check, path)
[docs]def messages(location, receiver): """Construct a function that checks a directory for messages The function checks for new messages and calls the appropriate method on the receiver. Sent messages are deleted. :param location: string, the directory to monitor :param receiver: IEventReceiver :returns: a function with no parameters """ path = filepath.FilePath(location) def _check(path): messageFiles = path.globChildren('*') for message in messageFiles: if message.basename().endswith('.new'): continue receiver.message(message.getContent()) message.remove() return functools.partial(_check, path)